
How Obvi Built an Online Community of 50,000 members

Learn how Obvi built an engaged and loyal community of 50,000 loyal members.

Building an online community is one of the most impactful ways you can dramatically increase your sales. 

For example, Obvi, a health-based startup, makes 7 figures a month via its community of 50k+ members. 

You too can build a new online community today to supercharge your business growth. 

According to CEO of Obvi, Ron Shah, here are 3 winning strategies you can apply to successfully start and run your online community:

1) Make your community discoverable.

A community without any members is a ghost-town.

To build an active community, make it effortless for people to discover it. You can do this by placing links for people to join your online community throughout:

  1. Your social media channels e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
  2. Your website via footer/header text, pop-ups, and opt-in buttons/forms.
  3. Your email/SMS campaign messages and newsletters.

2) Show the value your online community brings.

Don’t just tell people that your online community is worth joining. Show it to them.

Here’s how:

  • Set a high bar for content in your community. Post actionable content your members can apply in real-life. Stay away from posting generic and surface-level content.
  • Separate signal from noise. Curate high quality content from the internet that others can get value from. It’s not easy to find great content on the internet. Make your online community the go-to destination for that.
  • Put thought-provoking and discussion-worthy comments under videos and posts that other people add. Engage and be engaged.

Do this, and it won’t be long that when a new person discovers your online community, they’ll know that it is worth joining.

3) Empower the super-fans in your community.

If you’re selling a great product, you’ll see at least a few members rave about it in your online community. These are your superfans.

While small in number, they have the potential to take your online group to the next level.

They know your products intimately, and if properly motivated, can serve as group admins along-side you. They can help debunk false information, expand on what makes your products/services useful, and overall engage with your community more actively than other members.

To bring out this potential, all you need is to do is give them an incentive.

This can be:

  1. Free products for life.
  2. Exclusive discounts, and first in line to receive new products.
  3. Financial compensation.

When you offer incentives like the above, you can make your superfans your most effective brand ambassadors in your online community.

Read Ron's full thread here 👇


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